ICCFM 10th World Assembly/14th General Assembly |
The International Confederation of Christian Family Movements (ICCFM) met July 25-29, 2007 at the Pope Paul VI Pastoral Center in Fatima, Portugal.
The 10th World Assembly of the ICCFM convened in the Salão Bom Pastor Hall on July 25, 2007, beginning at 4:30 PM (1630), with the Parade of Nations. Delegates from more than 30 countries will place their flag before the delegate assembly.
The Assembly used the Cardijn methodology of OBSERVE-JUDGE-ACT to focus on the "Legacy of Fatima to the Family: Spirituality and Sacrifice".
On Saturday afternoon, July 28, 2007, the 10th World Assembly closed with the convening of the 14th General Assembly to conduct the worldwide business of the ICCFM.
Assembly Photos |
Click for a group photo of all the attendees. It will open in a new window.
Click here for photos. They will open in a new window.
Click here for slides from MFC-LA (in Spanish). They will open in a new window.
Assembly Site |
Pope Paul VI Pastoral Center in Fatima, Portugal, site of ICCFM 10th World Assembly/14th General Assembly. The Center was inaugurated on 13 May 1982, by Pope John Paul II, as a center for study and reflection on the Message of Fatima, and of the problems of the modern world, in the light of the Gospel. The two auditoriums have seating for 2,124 and 700, and accommodation for 400 pilgrims.
Salão Bom Pastor Hall in Fatima, Portugal, the ICCFM Conference room at Pope Paul VI Pastoral Center.
Message from Bishop of Leiria-Fatima |
In Fatima Mary revealed herself as a “cloud of mercy loading the anguishes and hopes of the whole world”. She invites the humankind menaced and hurt by the want of faith, both in man and in God, to their spiritual conversion in the Gospel of Mercy, the unique to heal their wounds.
What is threatening us today, in the beginning of the millennium, is not the “burn out of syndrome”, that is self exhausting by an inner emptiness. By placing families under Mary’s protection they will experience of her praying and will convert themselves to Grace’s and Sainthood’s primacy. By recommending us to pray, in Fatima, Mary brought us the 20 secrets of happiness in Family, the 20 mysteries of Rosary: joyful, luminous, painful and glorious.
I bless, with all my heart, the 10th ICCFM Assembly with the program The Legacy of Fatima: spirituality and sacrifice.
António Marto, Bishop of Leiria-Fatima
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Chapel of the Apparition, Fatima Portugal. |
Fatima Shrine, site of concluding Mass, Fatima Portugal. |
Link to Fatima Website. |
Agenda |
ICCFM July 2007 Fatima Assembly Committee
António and Maria Moniz
Francisco and Inês Bonacho
Maria Alice Cardoso
Maria de Fátima Castanheira
David and Judite Lopes
Manuel and Graça Simões